Weekend Writing Warriors -Flash Fiction 8 Sentence: Cupid in Camo

Here’s eight sentences from Cupid in Camo, a Valentine’s short story, for Weekend Writing Warriors 8 sentence Sunday in the romance category.

cupitLindy maneuvered the enormous bouquet of red and silver heart-shaped balloons from her old station wagon.  Wouldn’t her serious, hard-working fiancé be surprised? They’d planned to meet for dinner after he’d finished some paperwork at the office.  Six months ago she would have never imagined making floral deliveries, then her company farmed out their customer service overseas.

Rather than taking the elevator she popped up the two flights without effort.  The firm had already ended their business day, but the suite remained unlocked.  Only a single lamp lit the reception area, as she skipped down the hall with the balloons bouncing against the walls and her head.  Quietly, she turned the door knob to Brad’s office, hmm … no one there. 

Tune in next week for another eight. Then on Monday, I’ll post the entire story. Keep up with my works in progress and other news by signing up for my newsletter. Now it time to check out the other amazing authors at Weekend Writing Warriors.

WhiteDoe_EbookCover_600X900 My paranormal novella, White Doe, is available on All Romance, Amazon, New Dawning Bookfair and Smashwords.

Hawk shifter, and bad-boy biker, Shane Cheveyo spends years trying to outride his secret life and erotic memories of his first love who left without a word. When his great grand-father, the legendary chieftain of their tribe passes to his next life, Cheyenne is drawn back home to the Outer Banks of North Carolina out of respect for her heritage. Rekindled passion reveals their true nature, but will the magic of the white doe save them or separate their destinies forever?

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