Sand and Sin – Weekend Writing Warriors #8Sunday – April 17

wewriwa_square_4If you’re new to Weekend Writing Warriors  #wewriwa, it’s a blog hop where authors share 8-10 sentences of their work.

This  will be my last post on, Sand and Sin and next week I start with my upcoming release, Game On!

Navy SEAL, Jax Taylor, takes leave after being injured on a mission and catches a military hop to Virginia Beach to see a buddy. TJ is night training and recommends a local SEAL bar called the Trident. He’s intrigued by  lovely, green-eyed bartender Peri, but she’s stated she doesn’t mix business with pleasure.  Between the booze, pain killers and a thirty-six hour day, the tavern begins to sway.  Jax makes his way outside to get some air. After closing the bar, Peri locks the back door and heads for her truck, when she sees a form slumped against the wall.

She knelt beside Jax and leaned in pressing on his leg, a sticky dampness cooling her fingers.
“Fuck!” He jerked as his eyelids flew open.
“Fuck is right, sailor, you’re bleeding.”
“It’s nothing,” he said shaking his head as if clearing cobwebs.
“Come on,” she offered, helping him to his feet.
“Yeah, and you owe me another tip.”
He laughed, leaning on her as she guided him to her truck.
Now what to do with him; she drove home.

Sand and Sin

Please check out the amazing writers at Weekend Writing Warriors.






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