Tag Archives: favorite characters

Romance Writers Weekly July 15 #LoveWriteChat

This week: Writing and filling the well …


Today’s questions are from Jo Richardson and if you arrived here from Vicki Mixon thanks for continuing the hop.

How often do you write? I try to write something every day, even if it’s for apencil blog post. Right now I’m pushing to finish a short story before edits come in from my editor on an 80,000 word novel.

Do you think it’s important to your craft to write as much as you can, and as often as you can?
Writing is like anything else, the more you do the better you become, if you’re paying attention and learning. It took me longer because I feared a harsh critique would kill my desire. Once I joined a writing and critique group, I listened to advice from published authors and my critique mates. Our chapter’s PRO liaison bled all over the first story I gave her, but what I learned was invaluable. I took those lessons and applied them to my full length novel, made revisions and a year later I received a contract offer.

However, writing is not all about learning the rules and putting words to paper, you must fill the well too. If all you do is write and not read or enjoy other aspects of life, where do you draw your enthusiasm from?

What is your opinion on the saying “if you don’t write every day, you’re not a writer”? I work full time five days a week. Because I don’t work Saturday or Sunday, doesn’t make me any less professional at what I do. Again, writers need to drink in life in order to create.

Weekends are when I do most of my writing. I’m also a member of a monthly critique group and need to have new material for the group which pushes me to crank out pages. I wrote a book last year just by having a couple of chapters ready for them each month.

That’s all for me today, but please continue on to Raine Balkera and find out about her craft habits.

RWGIVEAWAyRomance Writer’s Weekly is celebrating our upcoming six month anniversary with a big giveaway on July 29th. Grand price is a Kindle Fire, plus free books and more! Click on the ad for a chance to enter and win!

Romance Writers Weekly July 8 #LoveWriteChat

This week: Character names and inspiration…


This week’s questions are brought to us by proud Texan, Jeanne McDonald, author of The Truth in Lies. If you arrived here courtesy of the lovely Collette Cameron, author of The Earl’s Enticement, I hope you will continue the entire Romance Writers Weekly hop.

jHow did you go about choosing the names for your characters? Sound. I have to like the sound of my heroine and hero’s names. For some reason I have an affinity to “J” sounds. I had a cat name Jasper, a dog named Jake, and picked Jace as the last name for my pseudonym.

Arriving at character names seems to differ from story to story. I tend to choose hero names from movie or TV characters. However, in my upcoming release, Hot as Blazes, I named the hero Ray, after someone from my past, because the initial concept of the novel was about coming home. The heroine’s brother is Bobby, after a friend who was like a brother to me.

For heroines, I usually pick strong non-gender specific names such as Jo, Peri, Jordan and the like. I chose Dani for a first name as my pen name after my grandfather I never knew.

Where did the inspiration for your current book come from? I live in a military community and totally appreciate and respect all whoVietnam War Tags (Fictional Names and Social Security Numbers) service our country. I recently finished a novel about a Navy SEAL and anticipate writing more in the military genre.

Currently, I’m working on a four peppers hot novella, tentatively titled, Game On! My area had a semi-pro football team a couple of years ago. I envisioned a player in town for the season looking for a fun romp. Of course he gets more than he bargains for with the heroine.

Most of my books tend to be from the hero’s point of view. Coming from a blue collar back ground, I enjoy writing about heroes who work with their hands and other body parts! 😉

What methods do you use to ensure you have no plot holes (journal, storyboard, outline, editor, etc.)? Even though I’m mostly a pantser, I run through the story in my head over and over while writing. Usually, I spot issues while mental rehashing. After that, I rely on my kick a$$ critique group: Carol, EJ, Georgie, Jenny and Pam. My last line of defense is the talented Laura K., a multi-published author, and friend who has taken me under her wing. All lovely ladies who rock!

That’s all for me today, but please continue on to Brenda Margriet and see how she chooses names for her characters. Brenda’s newest release, Chef d’Amour is due out in August.

RWGIVEAWAyRomance Writer’s Weekly is celebrating our upcoming six month anniversary with a big giveaway on July 29th. Grand price is a Kindle Fire, plus free books and more! Click on the ad for a chance to enter and win!