Romance Writer’s Weekly June 24 #LoveWriteChat

This week: Bullies, critiques and quirky habits…


Thanks to Collette Cameron for this week’s Romance Writers Weekly questions, and if you arrived here via, Carolyn Spear we appreciate you continuing the hop.

How do you respond to someone calling your writing smut or demeaning your work in some other way? I write under a pen name and only a few people know I’m published. No bullying yet, but I’m sure it will happen at some point.

Trying to change their opinion would be futile, but money talks and romance far outsells every other genre. Romance Writers of America estimated sales in 2013 at $1.35 BILLION. Sounds like there’s some closet romance readers out there! I’m sure my erotic paranormal, White Doe, is a secret on at least a few e-readers.

When critiquing or beta reading, do you ever find the voice of the other author creeping into your writing?

For me it’s the other way around. I’ve had to work hard at leaving their style alone and only correct grammar and punctuation. I may tell you that you used “was” six times on a page, but I’m not going to rewrite for you.

What’s one quirky thing you do or must have around you while writing?

I use an architect’s chair to write from as my dining room table is bar height.  I loving being able to look out the window when writing. In cooler months, I’ll burn a candle.

Check out  Fiona Riplee‘s blog next on the hop to see how she handles a romance bully.

RWGIVEAWAyRomance Writer’s Weekly is celebrating our upcoming six month anniversary with a big giveaway on July 29th. Grand price is a Kindle Fire, plus free books and more! Click on the ad for a chance to enter and win!

22 thoughts on “Romance Writer’s Weekly June 24 #LoveWriteChat”

  1. Having a window is a must for me. I rearranged my writing desk so that I can face the windows to my right. I shudder in horror when other writers say they write in the basement or a converted closet. 🙂 no thanks!


    1. On mild days I can write on the patio in early morning before sun comes around where I can’t see computer screen. Don’t mind hand writing, but hate transposing to computer. Excited to have you on blog Friday!


  2. It’s hard “coming out” as a romance writer. I remember my own struggle. All in due time. Some people never come out, and are wildly successful. So long as you’re writing and happy, what odds! Also, thanks for the suggestion on how I can also write and look out the window.

    “Oh honey…. I need a new chair!”


  3. Statistics talk woman! I firmly believe that people who “can’t stand” the romance genre, have never read a good one. And when you get a flame, I got your back girl. Don’t even sweat it. BIG LOVE Dani. ❤

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